Family Integrated
At Cornerstone, the first thing you might notice when attending one of our services is that all ages worship together; singing, praying and listening to God’s Word. We provide each child with coloring pages and crayons to make it easier for them to sit in the service. Please understand, if your child/children are noisy, we are not bothered and certainly do not want you to feel embarrassed. Children are a blessing from the Lord and their sounds (even cries) are a delight to our ears! It is amazing how much a child hears and understands as they observe together with mom and dad fervently worshipping the Lord.
We do not have a typical nursery or a children’s church. We do, however, have two options for our families. Our mom’s room has sound and a tinted-window, so she can continue to worship, while attending to her infant. Our Little Church room is set up to stream the main service and is designed for parents to teach small children to sit and worship together.
In addition to family integrated worship, we host family integrated events, such as our Youth/Family nights where we enjoy various youth-oriented activities, with singing and teaching (often around a campfire).
And most importantly, we also work to equip parents to teach their own children. This includes: parent based-teaching, counseling, and resources.